Good thieves of burning cars encircle poisoned rivers minds and hearts
Good thieves of burning cars encircle poisoned rivers minds and hearts
Good thieves of burning cars encircle poisoned rivers minds and hearts
Good thieves of burning cars encircle poisoned rivers minds and hearts
Good thieves of burning cars encircle poisoned rivers minds and hearts
Good thieves of burning cars encircle poisoned rivers minds and hearts
Good thieves of burning cars encircle poisoned rivers minds and hearts
Good thieves of burning cars encircle poisoned rivers minds and hearts
Good thieves of burning cars encircle poisoned rivers minds and hearts
Good thieves of burning cars encircle poisoned rivers minds and hearts
Good thieves of burning cars encircle poisoned rivers minds and hearts
Good thieves of burning cars encircle poisoned rivers minds and hearts
Good thieves of burning cars encircle poisoned rivers minds and hearts
Good thieves of burning cars encircle poisoned rivers minds and hearts
Good thieves of burning cars encircle poisoned rivers minds and hearts
Good thieves of burning cars encircle poisoned rivers minds and hearts
Atlantis INterzone
Atlantis INterzone
Atlantis INterzone
Atlantis INterzone
I never knew this could happen to me
I know now fragility
I know there's people who I haven't told
I know of people who are getting old
Wish I could speak in just one sweep
Instead I mumble randomly
You stand by and enlighten me
In a dream I lost my teeth again
Calling me woman and half man
Yes, in a dream all my teeth fell out
A cracked smile and a silent shout
If I explain it once thoroughly
He'll have you later 'cause it's never free
You were at the gigantic spree
I caught a glimpse, now it haunts me
I caught a glimpse, now it haunts me
Nyt tuli Tampereelta kaksi ruskosauvasirkkaa (Carausius morosus)
ja yksi rukoilijasirkka (sphodromantis sp)
Ihanista ihanimpia ölliäisiä, sauvasirkat on tosin vielä vasta n. kolmen sentin mittaisia :)
I heard a puff, I heard a blow
I felt the ground, I felt the snow
I thought of linen and old lace
I never really saw his face
I heard a grunt, I heard a moan
I felt the sun, I saw the moon
I saw the northern light above
And the eclipse of the sun
I am a breath, I am a wish
I am a rocket, And a fish
I felt his measures and his weight
My own body as a scale
You heard a whisper in my ear
You are not here, you are not there
I saw the northern light above
The eclipse of the sun
My feet was hurt, my knees were sore
And I wondered why he burned
And I wondered why he burned
I heard a puff, I heard a blow
I felt the ground, I felt the snow
I thought of linen and of lace
I never really saw his face
I heard a grunt, I heard a moan
I felt the sun, I saw the moon
I saw the northern light above
And the eclipse of the sun
I am a breath, I am a wish
I am a rocket, And a fish
I felt his measures and his weight
My own body as a scale
You heard a whisper in my ear
You are not here, you are not there
So in love that I could die
The eclipse of the sun
My feet was hurt, my knees were sore
And I wondered why it burned
And I wondered why it burned
Then I had to climb down
I went up to see the sun rise
And then I had to climb back up again
I had to be there to see the sun rise
For the air that you sent to guide me
Had a tonne of elephant grey
We were all there in the morning
We were there and we wanted to stay
Then I had to climb down
I went up to see the sun rise
And then I had to climb back up again
I had to be there to see the sun rise
For the air that you sent to guide me
Had a tonne of elephant grey
We were all there in the morning
We were there and we wanted to stay
kuka uskoo?
Eilisiltana kävelyllä pikkusiskon kanssa:
Pinja: pyörii ihan kauhee kappale päässä- (laulaa) "tahdonvoimaa, tahdon voittaa, pistän kaiken peliin, kaiken mitä vaati, kävi miten kävi, haluun sen pokaaliin!"
Pinja: AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHA!!! *nauraa vedet silmissä*
Rakas pikkusisko, rakastan kuulovammaisuuttasi <3
Näin yöllä unta että mulla oli kilo kokaiinia läpinäkyvässä paketissa mukana koulussa XD sit mä vaan vedin jotain viivoja pulpetilta ja aattelin et jee, meikä ei juo tänä viikonloppuna. MITÄ HELVETTIÄ?! varmaan kuolisin jos jotain tommosta tekisin kun iskee mukavia (synnynnäisiä) rytmihäiriöitä jo pelkästä röökistä.
Olen niin vahingoniloinen paska, että pitää ihan mainostaa muullekkin maailmalle: yks pikkulutka (neiti 17v.) synnytti tossa vajaa viikko sitten ja sai kolmannen asteen repeämät. Koko pillu piti tikata, väliliha niitata kiinni jne. Nyt muija ei uskalla käydä ees paskalla ja joutuu kusemaan suihkunurkassa XD Oppiipahan.
Taustaa: Oltiin joskus vuonna kives kavereita ennen kuin se paljasti todelliset karvansa. Esim. kerran annoin ainoot rahani tälle samaiselle lehmälle jälkiehkäsyyn ja sain kuulla myöhemmin niitten rahojen menneen juomiin... Nyt hän on sitten päättänyt ottaa elämänurakseen sossun rahoilla elämisen kun jätti koulutkin kesken. Varsinainen yllätys tämähän ei ole, kun lähdetään perhetaustaa tutkimaan: linja-autokuski faija ja romaniäiti, jonka mielestä oleellinen rahankäytönkohde ovat uudet vajaan tonnin kengät... Mahtavat olla ylpeitä pikkutytöstään.