In the ancient moonlit woods
Is my dwelling.
It is in the lighted woods
Under the Stars.
It is the animal in me
that awakens my greed for you
I would gladly devour you
can you sense my desire?
Dark clouds and dark thoughts
The night of the full moon breaks my barriers
Greed builds up within me for animals
That I massacre
I feel a lust for blood here and now…
Deep in the night of the twinkling stars
A sweet smell pulls me into the distance
When I have completely seen the night
My desire is kindled and the hunter in me awakens..
In the ancient moonlit woods
Is my dwelling.
It is in the lighted woods
Under the Stars.
It is the animal in me
that awakens my greed for you
I would gladly devour you
can you sense my desire?
Strange thoughts, wild lust
The desire for the tender breast meat
I want to tear, I want to bite and shred withered flesh
I hunt my prey with lustful agitation
Glowing red eyes follow your trail
The weather leads me across far halls
I mutate into an animal, I am a creature of the night
I am the hunter of the moon until the morning awakens
In the ancient moonlit woods
Is my dwelling.
It is in the lighted woods
Under the Stars.
Under the Stars.
I am the animal
I am the animal
Suomi Ruotsi siellä naiset paljon meikkaa
jos mä muutan jonnekki
nii muutan mä kreikkaan~
MIES: Miten sinä oletkaan noin kaunis?
NAINEN: Olen varmaan saanut sinunkin osasi...
MIES: Hei, olemmeko tavanneet kerran? Tai kahdesti?
NAINEN: Varmaankin yhden kerran. En koskaan tee samaa virhettä kahdesti.
MIES: Saisinko nimesi?
NAINEN: Miksi, eikö sinulla ole jo omaa?
MIES: Menisimmekö katsomaan elokuvaa?
NAINEN: Olen jo nähnyt semmoisen kerran...
MIES: Olenko nähnyt sinut jossain muualla aiemmin?
NAINEN: Kyllä, siksi en käy siellä enää.
MIES: Onko tämä tuoli vapaa?
NAINEN: On, ja tämä tuolikin on kohta, jos istut siihen.
MIES: Haluaisin soittaa sinulle. Mikä on puhelinnumerosi?
NAINEN: Se on kyllä puhelinluettelossa.
MIES: Niin mutta en tiedä nimeäsi!
NAINEN: Sekin on puhelinluettelossa.
MIES: Hei, älä viisi, me molemmat ollaan täällä baarissa samasta syystä!
NAINEN: Joo, iskemässä naisia...
MIES: Haluan antaa itseni sinulle kokonaan!
NAINEN: Valitettavasti en hyväksy halpoja lahjoja.
MIES: Tekisin mitä vain puolestasi!
NAINEN: Hyvä juttu, aloitetaan pankkitilistäsi.
MIES: Älä ole ujo. Kysy minua ulos.
NAINEN: Okei, menisitkö ulos?
asensin sitte facebookkiin vihdoinki tuon aikajanan...
mielenkiintosta lukkee noita mun päivityksii jostain vuojelta 2009 XD
"moottoripyörä on moottoripyörä, skootteri on lälläri pyörän. Namusia naisia katsastan, moottoripyörällä moottoripyrällä moottoripyorällä ratsastannn~!"
"jos metsään haluat mennä nyt niin takuulla yllätyt, siel pienen suvin hirmuisen soppakattilaan joudut nyt."
"eilen näin kauheen emo siilen! eka se yritti juosta mun pyörän alle ja sitte se hyppäs sillalta alas :'("
ai perkele ku naurattaa...
lähtis tammisaaree chillailee nii mua ei sitte välttis tääl kauheena näkyile :D
palataa kuulkaa keskiviikkona
A, a Tää kertoo tytöstä
Tää tyttö oli aivan viaton ja ehkä pikkusen rahaton
hän oli todella kaunis mutta tahdoton
tyttöä varjosti hullu poika joka oli aivan mahdoton
kahta kauheampi poika ahdisteli tyttöä
koitti saada tätä omakseen
tyttöä ei kiinnostanu vittuukaa
koska tää poika oli haukkunut häntä sen saatanallisen litkun kaa
eikä tää poika tiiä likasta paskaakaa.
Kaunis tyttö eli todella hyvää elämää
kunnes tää juoppo tuli heittää sen menemää
huuuooraksi oli haukkunut
siksi tyttöä ei kiinosta vittuukaa!
wooo-ou ei kiinnosta vittuukaa
wooo-ou ei mitään mahiksiaa
wooo-ou tää ei kerro rakkaudestaa
tää kertoo tytön elämästä jota tää poika vetää aaalaas pääin.
Tyttö muuttaa pois kaupungista
poika jatkaa tytön hakemista
tyttö koittaa päästä pois hänen näkökulmasta
poika on kuin takiainen
kiertää paikoissa kuin satiainen
viimeinkin poika lopettaa löytää toisen
tyttö itkee onnesta ’’karkotin sen loisen’’.
Koittelin nuorta räppäriä ja annoin aiheen ja käskin tehdä lyriikat erään ihmisen elämästä. Harmi vain omalle kohdalleni, että poika suoriuti siitä helposti, olisi ollu mukava jos siinä olis ollu sittenki enemmän haastetta! Itse kuitenkin olen tyytyväinen suoritukseen!!
Kiitos Sumppaaa (:
Lyrics © Samuli Heikkinen
@ Sumppapa
This flame is coalescing
This fire's burning bright
I know I’ll get burned but it’s alright
(Waiting anxiously)
It’s too late to change direction
I’m fixed on her in my mind
Trade sense for sensation this time
(Takes control of me)
I can’t wait
I want to be with you right now anyway
Reckless, so what? I can’t wait to be around you
Take me, break me, right now - Why wait til ‘hell to pay’?
So dumb, so what? I can’t wait to be around you
Her skin is laced with poison
Her words are laced with lies
Affliction is waiting in her eyes
(Take them willingly)
I can’t control this compulsion
Like a moth into the flame
Her fiery embrace completes my shame
(Don’t let go of me)
We bathe in this denial
Lay bare the secret place
For just a little while
Submit to this embrace
Pain unfolding
Shame beholding
Don’t let go of me
[x] You rather be pale than tan.
[x] You like to eat or drink red things.
[x] When you’re kissing someone, you tend to bite them.
[/] You’re dark, mysterious, and seductive.
[x] You’ve tasted your own blood before and liked it.
[x] Being out in the sun too long makes you feel weak.
[ ] You can appear threatening or dangerous to others.
[/] You have incredible charm and can get people to do nearly anything.
[x] You’re more active at night.
Total: 7
[x] You have a bad temper.
[/] You’re incredibly physically strong and fast. (tarvittaessa)
[x] You love the moon.
[/] You’re very loyal. (riippuu henkilöstä)
[x] If you love someone, you’ll do whatever you possibly can to protect them.
[/] You would go on a devastated rampage should your lover be harmed in any way.
[x] You like dogs.
[ ] You’re fairly sturdy in stature
[x] You’re either a good leader or a solitary person.
[x] You have a hard time controlling yourself half of the time.
Total: 7
[x] You love cats.
[/] You’re lithe and agile.
[ ] You could fall off of anything and always land on your feet.
[/] You like gymnastics. (riippuu missä muodossa)
[/] You love to eat seafood.
[/] You’re affectionate and cozy.
[ ] If someone is able to sneak up on you and startle you, you nearly leap out of your skin or swat at them.
[x] You like yarn.
[x] You like chasing things.
[/] You’re an excellent hunter.
Total: 5 ½
[x] You’re an outcast.
[x] You feel as if you’re not truly alive.
[x] You’ll moan when you’re hurt rather than scream and cry.
[x] You tend to zone out.
[x] You don’t feel very smart.
[ ] You like worms.
[x] You like taking things slowly.
[x] You like odd foods.
[x] You prefer to suffer in silence.
[x] You don’t get much sleep.
Total: 9 (i told ya imma corpse...!!)
[/] You’re invisible. (riippuu tilanteesta)
[/] You have an oddly eerie presence.
[x] You can send chills down a person’s spine just by looking at them.
[/] You have messy hair that is partially/completely in your face.
[x] You’re incredibly gentle.
[x] You’re very shy around someone you find attractive.
[x] You tend to simply disappear when no one’s looking.
[/] You enjoy scaring people.
[x] You like the indoors.
[x] You are deeply connected to the ones you love no matter what happens.
Total: 8
[x] You will eat just about anything.
[x] You like to attack people verbally or physically.
[x] You are thrilled if you can make someone bleed.
[/] If you were with someone, you wouldn't care if you hurt them as long as you‘re getting what you want out of them. (depends)
[XX] You like stalking people.
[/] You find it fun to crawl into tight, small, cramped, dirty spaces.
[/] You get hungry easily.
[ ] You like torture.
[ ] You live to hurt people.
[/] You like the idea of being insane.
Total: 6
[x] You’re into Wicca/Paganism.
[x] You like magical objects.
[/] You believe in magic/can perform it.
[/] You perform odd rituals on a daily basis.
[/] People find you intolerably cruel. (riippuu taas henkilöstä)
[/] You enjoy manipulating people. (harvoin, mutta joskus)
[x] You feel deeply in touch with nature and hate industrialization.
[XX] You love black cats.
[ ] You practice voodoo.
[ ] You tend to laugh hysterically while picking on someone you find attractive.
Total: 6
[/] You have different personalities.
[x] Your style could change from Goth to preppy in the same second.
[x] You’re fickle.
[ ] You have more than one lover.
[x] You’re unpredictable.
[ ] You would change yourself entirely to fit in/get a date.
[x] You are fond of many different things.
[ ] You can easily get out of trouble by changing your demeanor.
[x] You often say one thing and mean another. (aina)
[/] You like to leave your clothes on the floor after taking them off.
Total: 6
[x] You have a very bad temper. (jos satun menettää hermoni nii joo)
[/] You’re usually angry. (riippuu viikonpäivästä)
[/] You have to make other people miserable with every breath that you take. (riippu henkiköstä)
[ ] You worship Satan.
[x] You like pentagrams.
[X] You love to mess with people’s heads.
[x] You could do just about anything bad to someone and feel proud. (riippuu taas henkiköstä)
[x] You laugh when other people are hurt. (ei iha aina :D:D:D)
[ ] Physically harming someone turns you on.
[ ] You respond to an insult by viciously attacking the other person.
Total: 6
[/] You’re a very good person.
[/] You take care with everything you do.
[x] You can be extremely serious.
[ ] You’re gentle and kind to even your worst enemies.
[/] You cannot hold a grudge against anyone.
[ ] You would gladly endure anything for the sake of the ones you love.
[ ] You’re a virgin/have never kissed anyone/have never had a love.
[x] People see you as being very pure. (jos vaa tietäsitte..)
[kuolin nauruun] You are obedient and follow rules without question.
[ ] You love God.
Total: 3.5
[/] You enchant people.
[x] You like organic things.
[x] You’re almost always smiling.
[/] You love the world around you.
[x] You get attached to animals easily.
[/] You’re a walking-talking chick-flick/prince charming.
[ ] You fall in love easily.
[x] You have a very bright/bubbly/friendly personality.
[x] You don’t HATE anyone.
[x] You like long hair.
Total: 7 ½
"tiiättekö mitä... mulla on vähä sellane olo et paskattais"
ilmoitus luontoinen asia a la Sumppa :D
ja päivän puheen aiheena porot...?
Menis värjää taas lettii nii ei tarvi kohta vettää ite kaljuksi ku tipahtaa itekseen :DD