
Blow it all to hell!

torstai 16. lokakuuta 2008 23:43

So is it likeable what you are? Well sure I am, pretty much, if I believe the other's words that just keep claiming so. So you might think you're on a roll, and things are just sweet but they're not. You soon realize that as fast and strongly someone has a crush on you, it fades even faster and is forgotten like yesterdays news exactly the same as dozens and dozens times before..
Maybe it's that he's some kind of wuss, just a pathetic selfsacrificing guy with no balls at all ,just way too kind loser to survive the way of life in the century we live in. No, it ain't that either. Well I admit I ain't the worst criminal in town, not that insane emotionally broken guy who spits insults and faces danger in dark of night and the court by day as accused to tenths of crimes. I'm not a wuss without balls, decent might be to closest what I am from this point of view. So this either ain't a reason for the steeply denying answer to the important question of are thou loveable?
Everything seems quite ok, but the most important is missing they say, no blowing your mind, not that famous spark, not that passion that would make it all come together and work like a charm.
You face it time and time again and see the castfaults reflecting from the mirror. Not with bare eye you see them, but with the sight of your soul you feel the wrongs under your skin, the broken wiring in you, something so wrong in the way you are made. After getting beat, bashed and trashed one or two too many times for the same damn reasons. I'll bring this psycho circus to an end and just don't give a damn anymore!
Tasty tasty long sips of icecold gin to flow down all the way freezing that torn-apart-heart. Turn up the volume till 11 on the amplifier and let the pitchblack notes and lyrics cast a thick as hell safewall of iron around your heart, around your chest. As a final gesture blink an eye to what you once were and kiss it cold goodbye as you have become something else, something different by the time the steelish shield decents upon you.
Now with that newborn more clear shine in your eyes the past turned to dust the question of loveability bothers you no more like it does those thousands around you.
Put your helmet on,turn the ignition key and feel the engine come alive, let the true smile spread on your face, lift the clutch and smell bitter memories vaporizing away with the smoke from burning tires as streetlights are passing you.




Mieliala: Surullinen
Taustalla soi: Shinedown - call me


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