elämä muuttu kassa hajos
istun talos katson ikkunasta
pidän sylissäni omaa lasta
naimisiin menny äsken ja vasta
mietin mis oot sinä en muuta
tuijotan itkien katson kuuta
muistelen sua ja hetkiimme
yhdes tehtyi retkiimme
mut kelaan jouduinko
väärään petiin
kun erään toisen tapasin
ei oo enää paluuta takaisin
katson pimeään ja mä muistan sut
yhdes ajat nuoren ja ne jujutsut
mun sydän hakkaa ja kertoo
ei oo huntuu ei oo verhoo
lapset huomen pitäis viedä kerhoo
huono isä en haluu olla en oo
mahas ja pääs velloo
katon ranteestani kelloo
ja mä muistan sut
yhdes ne ajat kaikki kulutetut
kahestaa nuoruudes kuljetut
mut entäs missäs oot just nyt
ja muistatko enää ees mut
sut haluisin tapaa viel kerran
tykkäsin sust nuoren sen verran
ei ajatus mee se keskeytyy
yksin pääs surisee kulkee pimeytee
ja mut eisiin mitää siltikää
sut päässäin aina nään
sellasen ku olit
ja mä muistan sut
kello raksuttaa ja pirisee
lapset jalois vilisee
isä ei sais huutaa skidillee
joten käsken nyt nukkuu siitä
muistoihi ei yks ilta riitä
joten oon tääl taas ens iltana
valmiin sut muistamaan
ja yhdes oloo todistamaan
mietin sohval katon kuviasi sun
muistot parantaa ajan unohdetun
kun menen nukkumaan silmät suljen
mut edellee sut rinnassani tunnen
unessani tietä pitkin luokses kuljen
aattelen on vaa muistot unten
mut herättyäni mä tiedän sen
oot aina siellä ja mis mä en
mut silti ja mä muistan sut
ajat kahestaa kadotetut
en haluu ikin unohtaa unohtaa
ja vaik joskus unohdanki
niin sen teen mä muistan sut tiedän
ja mut sen aika ei oo vielä
sit lopuks seison valos tiellä
oot vastas ja nään sut taas
kiva tavata taas ihanaa
sitä en koskaan kiellä
ja mä muistan sut
yeah, and I respect strong women, my mother has this sort a strong woman.
and I respect that. sometimes dad left us when I was in fourth grade.
inbred from the mother must have been of concern to me,
and eventually when this've grown've started to take care of their own and writing about my mother.
without the love my mother, I would not have achieved this status.
and I do not know how many times do I have to repeat it to you, or you request it, I love you.
I do not ever want you to leave and you leave me alone.
all of my actions, all of my actions I have taken a step to decide the consequences.
that you no longer need to burden yourself with so violently than ever before.
all of which successfully, successfully because of you and to succeed you.
I appreciate my mother greatly. very greatly. <3
yeah, that is the name of the job is the fact that these words should therefore be made a nice rhyme and song to the mother.
tomorrow, while the matter. tell me if anything further to add on earth comes to mind.
Eka Kappale:
So much sorrow, so much death.
People are dying around this world we live too.
So a fortioro, Help me to help those who need it most.
Help me, help yourself to remember what means love.
You lie down inside of the peace, share it to the others,
and to those who have it not yet.
Show them that you care.
Let them to hear that, you’ll care.
Help those who cries for the bless of hope.
Help me to help those who need it most.
Share their destiny in order to get to know the suffering.
Then you can understand me and my offer to
join to help the world we’re also living.
Help me to help those who need it most.
So, don’t just lying in there your bed,
stop this before the whole world is dead.
Times changed.
Things changed.
Help me to help and make a chance.
Can you help me.
Together we can clean this madness away.
Day by day, the answer is waiting for you.
Can you help me to help those who need it most.
Help me.
Help yourself.
Help them.
Help me to help those who need it most.
Help me.
Help yourself.
Help Them.
Help me to help those who need it most.
Help them.
Save their lifes.
Toinen Kappale:
(Eri Biisi)
Nothing is going to change my opinion of love,
less cohesion and the feeling one.
If someone mourn the loss,
family remains in support of.
I will always stay as close to you,
I want you to feel always near, living or not.
And I will not let go until it is necessary to.
family, now and always,
if one of us mourn the loss,
the family remains in support of.
-Vähän keskeneräinen, mutta jatkan toiste. :))
Every single evening i cry and bleed my tears.
you look at me and try to cheer me up.
i'm lying in despair and my life goes downhill like.
my life is like a pointless fight.
it does not lead anywhere and does not help me.
you are trying to help me and keep my tightly.
nothing seems to help me anymore.
unless you bring a light to me.
all of my work and the successes seem to running in ash.
a possibility is not favorable to me.
I'll take myself and learn to stick to the neck while forcibly.
Nothing seems to help me, no matter how I try.
I'm left stranded, as the mouse trap.
there is no way out, now just waiting for the cat.
I was totally lost until you grabbed me and you raised me up.
I was so lost that even the water tasted blood.
then all went to alcohol to drugs.
I was lost like a little bird high in a tree.
I dared not leave the nest, or fly out of there.
I need the supporters to each wing circulation.
I'm trying my on but nothing happend.
I felt like i'm running all the way back around.
I really don't wanna give up but I don't work no doubt for that.
Easy as cake they said when I ask help for friends.
Easy as cake they said when I ask help for them.
This doesn't work with me, or am I just a broken doll.