
What is Love

GF (To Her BF):
What Is Love ? ?
People Talk So Much About
Love But I Don't Really Know
What It Is . . . ?

BF (Replied):
When I Get Angry On You
& You Try To Persuade Me
That Feeling Is Love,

When I Don't Talk To You
& You Get Worried About Me
That Is Called Love,

When You Care For Me
Whenever I M Sick Or In Pain,
That Is Love,


Finally When You Get Scared
Even From The Thought Of Us
Being Apart From Each Other,
This Scary Feeling Is Called Love . . . ♥ ♥ ♥

Kommentoi   Perjantai 25. toukokuuta 2012 08:48

Respect the love

Once one bird fall in love with a white rose. One day bird purposed red rose and expressed his love. But unfortunately white rose refused his love. Bird came again and again and tried to convence her but she still refused..... and told I will love you when I get red.

after that Bird became so sad but bird cut its wings and spread the blod over the white rose and white rose got red. Now Red Rose realized how much that bird used to love her but it was too late. Birds was dead.

So Give A Respect The Love. If you lost it once it is lost for ever. :)

Kommentoi   Tiistai 20. syyskuuta 2011 17:39