
Sam´s Story Chapter 1 Part 3

Third part wohoo.. please review..

Sam's past. Chapter 03.

I woke up early in the morning because of a small beeping noise coming from my jeans pocket, "Aww, a text message at this time of the morning." I groaned standing up and walking to my clothes taking my mobile phone and reading the message and putting the phone back in my jeans. "Hey Earl how to make dumb to say how." I said and hit him with pillow making him groan and look at me.

"How." He said yawning when I and Mia started to laugh at him, "Ha haa nice joke." He said.

"I think we have to take a bath because of last nights actions." Mia said looking at me,

"Last in the bath is the slowest dumb ass in the world." I shouted grabbing my clothes and started running to the bathroom Mia not far after me laughing at Earl who was the last one,

"That's not fair." he said when we arrived in the bathroom. I dropped my clothes on the ground before Mia and I jumped in the water Earl not far after.

"Dumb ass." I laughed,

"Shut up, you cheated." He growled and splashed the hot water at me,

"Hey, Doross ur Ticiluss." I said and saw Earl squirm and laugh like crazy when the tickle spell hit him, "Ha haa I got you." I laughed with Mia,

"Ok stop we're even." He said when the spell ended and he was panting heavily,

"Ok time to bathe we have half an hour before school starts." Mia said and then we washed in the waterfall, me first, then Earl and Mia last. After our bath I put my clothes on and we left the lair.

"Climb on my back I'll take you to school." Earl said.

I climbed on his back and we started to fly to the Dragon University. A few minutes later we arrived and walked in front of the magic class where Artemis was standing,

"Earl and Mia go ahead, I'll have to talk with Sam before we start." Artemis said and Earl and Mia walked in the class room. "So are you excited, I think that you can keep with them although they are at the second grade." He asked.

"Nope never heard a word exited." I said with a grin on my face,

"Ok follow me." He said and went in to the class, there was at least twenty other dragon in there when not counting Mia and Earl with them. "Ok class this is our new student Sam and don't underestimate him because he is human, now show me what you can do." He said.

"What me, wait a second." I said and started to think what to do, "Aww, Dure ha Apre." I said thinking about huge wooden box and inside of it was male lion and there was this small poof again and huge wooden box in front of class.

"What is that." Artemis asked looking at the box which was growling evilly,

"I recommend not to look in the box." I said, then he opened it and the big male lion jumped out and suddenly disappeared into thin air with the wooden box.

"Very good for the man who hasn't been in magic school before, that was a spell I teach to fourth grade students and they have problems doing it well, now you can sit over there." Artemis said pointing at the empty school desk next to where Mia was laying, obviously I was the only one who had to sit on the desk.

"Thanks." I said and walked to the desk and sat down,

"That was cool how did you that." Mia asked,

"Just thought about it and said the words." I said and Artemis started to talk about magic. After three hours of listening it ended and we went to recess, "All of that talking and he told just four spells." I said sitting on the bench next to Mie and Earl.

"Easy for you to say, we have to train and you do them like you've done these before." Earl said trying the Light spell which will light even the darkest lairs in the world, but it didn't seem to work.

"How hard can it be, just think about it, not that it would go wrong or you just can't do it." I said and made the same Light spell and the ball appeared in my hand making the whole place brighten up before undoing it.

"You're something special with magic but what about fighting, I'm good at that." Earl said and saw Mia doing the same spell successfully which he tried to do but failed.

"We'll see then." I said and there was this loud roar which meant that the next class starts in five minutes,

"Better hurry, Zathras doesn't like slow ones." Earl said and started to run, me and Mia right after him. a few minutes later we arrived in the training hall, there was ten other dragons in different forms where they have human like bodys including hands and feet but they still looked like dragon,

"Can you change to that form." I asked looking at Mia,

"Yes, we use it when we're fighting but not when we're yiffing." She chuckled,

"Why." I asked,

"Because its gives us more pleasure when we're in our normal forms." She said when we stopped in front of Zathras and I saw Mia and Earl change into that fighting form.

"Ok class, we have a new student in here he is Sam." She said pointing at me, "Come here, I want to see what you can do." She said and I walked up in front of her. Then she handed me a real broad sword and took one for herself. "Sam are you ready." She asked taking a few steps backward and rising her sword.

"I think so." I answered and then she lunged at me, first she tried to hit me straight but I blocked it with my sword, then she tried to sweep my legs, but I jumped back wards landing on my feet. Suddenly she swung her sword at my neck, but I leaned back so her sword just cut a few hairs from my head, when she threw her sword back I stood and blocked her next strike then I decided to make a move and turned her around suddenly with a push and put my sword on her throat, "Did I win." I asked,

"No, I think its even." She said and I saw her sword in her hand ready to pierce my stomach,

"Yep I think so." I said letting her go,

"Pretty good for starters, have you ever faught before." She asked,

"No, nobody has ever attacked me before like you did." I answered,

"Ok we start training in pairs Earl can train with Sam." She said, when I walked back to Mia and Earl,

"Ok." Earl answered, "That was cool, Zathras never fights with real swords she always used wooden swords." He said looking at me,

"Maybe I'm special." I chuckled and put the sword in the rack next to me, then took the wooden sword and started training with Earl. After a few hours of slashing with wooded swords, Zathras came to me.

"Sam, before the class ends I want to give you this training sword that you can train with by yourself." She said giving me this 60 inch tall black katana,

"Thanks, but what are these holes for?" I asked when I saw five small holes in the handle of katana,

"Here, these are the training gems, they add 100 kilos of weight to your katana when you put one of them in the hole." She said and gave me a small bag that held five small red gems in it.

"Wow, thanks a lot." I said and put the bag in my pocket and the katana on my shoulder, then she left.

"I think she wants you." Earl chuckled,

"And how do you know that." I asked,

"I could smell her arousal when she was talking to you." Earl laughed,

"Maybe I will visit her if you don't shut your mouth." I said in a pissed off tone,

"Can I come." He said laughing again,

"I warned you." I said and looked at him when he started laughing like crazy and rolling on the ground when the tickle spell hit him again.

"Hey, you didn't say the magic words?" Earl asked when he stood up, looking a little red because all the other dragons were looking at him.

"I can do it without saying anything, so you better not tease me anymore." I said smiling at him,

"Ok what did he do this time to get the tickling spell." Mia asked when she came up next to me,

"Nothing unusual." I said and we walked out from the training hall,

"So what is that." Mie asked when she saw the katana Zathras gave me,

"Just a gift from my fan." I chuckled,

"Oh I didn't know that she's your fan." Earl said and was hit by the tickling spell again.

"Who is she." Mia asked not noticing that Earl was laying on the ground laughing like crazy,

"Zathras." I answered,

"Oh her." Mia said and looked at Earl who was standing behind us,

"What, you don't care that she wants me in her pants?" I asked,

"No, if it only means sex then I don't care, but if its something else I'll rip your cock off." She said.

"Ouch, better not anger Mia." Earl said and this time he wasn't hit by the tickling spell, but with a slap to his cheek produced by Mia's hand, "Aww that hurts." He said,

"Better hurry up or we'll miss the exam." Mia said and started running with Earl,

"We'll see you after the test, wait here ok." Earl shouted,

"Ok." I shouted back and sat on the bench next to me. "Now I can try to learn that levitation thing, while everybody is in class or taking an exam." I said and started focusing my energy, then I felt something warm in my chest, so I moved it under me and noticed that I started to float in the air.

"Learning the art of levitation." Said a voice behind me, making me fall to the ground hitting my tail bone off the edge of the bench,

"Ouch that fucking hurts." I said holding my ass and then I saw Chris standing in front of me, "Oh its you, sorry for the bad language I used." I said standing up still holding my ass which was hurting like all hell.

"That's ok, I see that she gave you the training sword." He said when he saw my katana laying on the ground next to me.

"You mean this." I said taking the black katana and putting it on my back.

"But remember, great power brings great responsibility." He stated and walked away.

"Hey, that was from the Spider Man movie, has he watched it or did he really mean that." I thought and sat back down on the bench. A few hours passed and I was getting better at this levitation thing but not so good as to start flying around in the air, when Mia and Earl came to me.

"So how did it go?" I asked,

"It was easy." Mia said,

"I think that I'll pass it." Earl said, "So what have you done while we weren't around?" He asked.

"I'll show you when I get it right." I answered, while we were walking out from the university.

"Ok I have to go to my lair, but I will come to visit later on." Mia said and flew away, I climbed up unto Earl's back and we flew to his lair.

"Can I make my own room in your lair, I need the space to train my magic and fighting skills?" I asked,

"Yes, but make it next to my room there is an empty room there that I don't use." Earl answered and we arrived in his lair, then we walked to the empty room.

"This is just fine, I'll start decorating." I said and saw Earl leaving the room. "Dure ha Apre." I said and there was a small puff and huge big about 3 metres long and wide bed appeared in the cave, "Just like my own bed." I said and decided that this is all I needed at the start of decorating. Then I took my katana and the bag of gem's and put one gem in the handle of my katana. "Oh shit this is too heavy better start without any." I said and put the gem back in the bag.

Then I started to slash the air with my katana, after hour of training I noticed that something was missing, "Music." I said, "But how can I get electricity in here?" I thought and decided to try something. I thought about a small box, which will produce electricity and it had five plugs on it. "Dure ha Apre." I said and it appeared in my hands, "Wow it worked." I thought and then made the spell again to make my stereo appear in the room, then I plugged the power cable in the plug in and turned my stereo on.

Then I searched for a radio station and pop music started to fill the room, "What is that noise." Earl asked when he came in the room and saw my bed and stereo.

"This is a stereo, I can listen to music with it." I said when Earl began looking at them with curiosity,

"Wow, its amazing." He said,

"Now I'll continue my training if you don't mind." I said and took my katana in my hand,

"Can I study here while you're training, I want to listen to your music?" Earl asked,

"Yes its fine." I said and continued my training, a few hours later Mia came in the room.

"What is that and where is that sound coming from." She asked looking at me,

"Its music." I said and saw her looking at my stereo,

"Its beautiful." She said, when she heard a female voice singing something.

"Yeah sometimes, Birightus ur fobius." I said and a six back of beer appeared in my hand I opened one of them and took a good sip of it.

"And what is that?" Mia asked when she saw me drinking,

"Oh this is beer want to taste it?" I asked opening another one and giving it to her, who drink it at once,

"Never tasted anything like it." She chuckled and threw the empty can back at me, then she jumped on my bed. "I'm hungry can I have that chines food you promised." She asked,

"Ok." I said and make the spell again, then there were thirty small boxes of chines food on the ground, I took the food sticks and opened a box and started to eat.

"This is very good, better than pizza." Earl said emptying one box in his muzzle,

"You are suppose to eat it with sticks." I said and opened another box,

"But its so hard to eat with them." Mia said throwing the sticks away and started doing the same thing that Earl did,

"Ok, what we do next?" Earl asked after he had eaten his twelve boxes of chinese food,

"Remember what Artemis said, that we have to learn that spell tomorrow." Mia said,

"Oh you mean that Fire spin spell, which will heal all the caster's wounds even return limbs?" Earl said,

"Tell me how, I forget." I said,

"Focus your energy in your chest then simply say these words, Casterus ur Firetus Heren and it should work." Mia said and I put one gem in my katana to add weight to it, then I started to train with it. It was harder than it looked, I had problems to even rise up the katana from the ground.

"No, not like that." Mia said when Earl made a small fireball on his hand,

"Then show me how my little Mia." He growled at her,

"Watch and learn." She said and sat for a few minutes then rose up and said the words but there were these small sparkles around her,

"Aww, you can't do it either." Earl laughed and I laughed with him,

"Ok Sam do it, if you are so good in magic." She said looking at me,

"Aww I don't know, should I." I asked looking at Earl,

"Do it I'm curious." He said,

"Ok I'll try." I said and laid my katana on the ground, then closed my eyes and focused. Then I felt the warmth in my body and opened my eyes saying, "Casterus ur Firetus Heren." Then fire spin came around me sealing me in and I roared when the warmth hit my body, a few second later it disappeared and I fell to the ground on my knees panting heavily.

"Wow, that was wow." Earl said and saw Mia running next to me,

"Sam are you ok." She asked,

"Yeah I am." I answered and stood up noticing that my hairs were longer reaching to my tights, but they were still blonde,

"I didn't know that it will heal hair." She said curling my hairs with her hand,

"Wow, I feel more alive than before." I said and took the katana in my hand and it felt like air, "What the." I thought and took the gem bag, inserting them all in holes, "But it feels so light." I thought and but it back in the sneath.

"Hey how were you able to use that thing, when you insert those five gems, the katana becomes 500 kilos heavier." Earl said in awe,

"So the spell didn't just heal Sam but it revealed his hidden power as well." Mia said,

"Maybe." I said and sat on the bed,

"But now I know what will return your stamina, a long bath with me." She said,

"Oh I see where this is going." Earl said laughing,

"Shall we go then." I said standing up and started to walk towards the bathroom, Mia close after me. When I got there I undressed and went in the water with her laying next to me purring softly,

"Sam do you like me and Earl." She asked kissing me,

"Yes, I had these strange feelings when I first saw you and Earl." I answered and she jumped on me, kissing me deeply then going lower until she was in front of my now fully hard member, then she licked the top of it and took it in her warm muzzle sucking it hard. Then she rose up and kissed me again, as she positioned her slit over my cock, then I took a grip from her ass and impaled in her making her yelp then started thrusting into her slowly and started increasing my speed. We both moaned as I thrust into her and she tightened her pussy to make me thrust harder in her, then I felt the pressure building in my balls and she climaxed roaring loudly and that made me cum in her womb roaring with her in bliss.

"Gosh I love you." Mia said and fell sleep on top of me purring lightly,

"And I love you too." I said and carried her into my room to my bed and laid next to her covering us with the blanket, then we fell asleep next to each others.

Kommentoi   Lauantai 09. helmikuuta 2008 09:44

Sam´s Story Chapter 1 Part 2

Here is the second chap.. hope you enjoy it..

Sam's past. Chapter 02.

I woke up a few hours later, not moving or opening my eyes because I felt that there was someone in the lair, "Now I
will get my revenge." I thought grinning evilly. "Doross ur Ticiluss." I said and heard a feline voice laughing
behind me, I stood up and saw a red dragon laying on the ground panting heavily with a small grin on her face. "I'm
sorry I thought that you were Earl." I said.

"No its ok, but where is Earl and what are you doing here in his lair?" She asked standing up and looking at me,

"I think that he went to see his buddy but I don't know when he will be back." I said and saw Earl Standing behind
her finger on his snout, obviously he didn't want me to betray him.

"Surprise." Earl shouted and started to tickle her making her laugh and fall to the ground,

"Earl you idiot don't do that again or I'll rip your balls off." She growled at him, making Earl laugh again,

"Aww is my little Mia angry at her twin brother." He answered,

"Is this your sister dude." I asked looking at Mia,

"Yes, Mia this is my friend Sam." Earl said,

"So he is the one which everybody is talking about." She chuckled and looked at me winking her eye.

"Hi, but why is it such a big thing that somebody can see you guys?" I asked,

"Nobody has every seen through our invisiblity spell before so thats why you're famous." She said,

"Yes but." I was saying when my stomach growled, "Hey dude, I'm hungry, do you have anything to eat in this place?" I

"No, I go hunting when I'm hungry." He said,

"Shall I call the pizza place and order some pizzas for us, oh wait, they can't get here, aww I'm starving." I said while
holding my stomach which was growling for food,

"If I remember right there is a spell in that book which will make the food you're thinking about." He said,

"Really." I said and went to the shelf, taking the same book I had taken before.

"It's on page 123." He said,

"Can he do magic?" Mia asked Earl,

"Yes he can, I couldn't believe it when he cast the mirror spell." He answered,

"But those spells are hard, how is he able to cast them?" She asked.

"I don't know." Earl answered,

"Aha, Birightus ur Fobius." I said and there was a dull "Puff." Sound again, revealing twenty pizza boxes in front
of me, "Wow it worked." I said and put the book back in the shelf.

"He's good." Mia said when she saw the pizzas,

"Ok guys there is pizza for everyone, so jump in." I said and took one pizza box in my hand opened it and
took a slice of pizza in my hand,

"It smells good." Earl said when he took one pizza in his hand and sniffed it afterwards throwing it into his muzzle, "And it
tastes better than meat." He said while taking another one,

"It's amazing how humans can do things that we can't." Mia said when she was eating,

"Next time we should try chinese food." I said after finishing my second pizza and giving a little burp, making Mia
and Earl laugh. "Sorry guys I'm full, but you can eat the rest of those pizzas." I said and laid on the ground.

"So Sam are you going to Dragon University tomorrow, I heard rumours that you're coming to our class?" She asked
and I saw Earl to say something and those empty pizza boxes disappeared into thin air.

"Yes." I said playing with my mobile phone,

"What is that thing?" Mia asked pointing at my hand were I was holding my phone,

"Oh this." I said and turned on the camera and took picture of Mia and Earl making a dull click come out from it,
"This is a camera and a mobile phone, which we humans use to communicate with each other if another person isn't
around." I said showing the pictures to Mia and Earl which were both amused.

"Like telepathy." She said,

"Yes, like telepathy but I have to pay money to call my friends." I said stuffing it back into my pocket,

"What else do you humans have that we don't." Earl asked,

"Television where we watch news or movies, computers which we use to surf nn the internet, boats we use to go
across water and planes to fly in the air." I answered,

"Ok, but we had better not fill our heads with these human things, we have exams tomorrow so we have to prepare." Mia
said looking at Earl,

"Fuck, it was tomorrow, I didn't remember." Earl said and hopped on the pillow pile with Mia and started to
study. I was laying on the ground playing with my mobile phone and listened to their argument about some spell.

"I think Artemis will ask us to make this spell, I'm sure." Mia said,

"So how does it go?" Earl asked,

"Simple, just think about the object and say Dure ha Apre." She said,

"Dure ha Apre." I whispered and there was this "Puff." Sound again and my black tank which Earl burned appeared in
my hands. "Wow it worked." I thought, putting my tank on and noticed
Mia and Earl look at me. "What?" I asked,

"Is there anything you can't do?" Mia asked,

"I can't fly." which was the first thing to come to mind.

"Silly man, try not to cast anymore spells or you might blow something up." She said,

"Ok." I said continuing the game on my phone, after a few minutes of playing with my phone I got bored and decided to
read something. I went in front of the bookself and saw this interesting book called Old Magic and Wizards, I took
it and sat down to read it.

"You're stupid." Mia said when Earl turned her into a rabbit and laughed at her, until he was turned into a pig and
Mia was back in her normal form laughing at him.

"Ha haa very funny." Earl said and turned back into his normal form. Then I saw the word Levitation in the book,

"This could be handy." I thought and started to read.

"Ones upon a time there was a wise wizard who learned the art of levitation. It was very easy to learn if the user had
magical skills or was very strong, "Just focus your energy and move it under you." The wise wizard said to everyone who
asked him how to do it." And it ended.

"That was a very short piece of advise." I thought and decided not to try it here because Mia asked me not to disrupt their
studying. I continued reading the book but towards the end of it it felt like I had no use of any of those kinds of magical spells
so I decided to quit reading the book, and put it back on the shelf. Then there was this loud crack and thunder
after it heard coming from outside the lair,

"Aww, it started to rain." Mia said,

"Don't worry, you can sleep here until the rain stops." Earl said,

"Thanks Earl." She chuckled and they continued their studies,

"Hey Earl can I use your bathroom, I need to get bath?" I asked,

"Sure." He answered,

"Thanks." I said and walked into the bathroom, taking of my clothes and wading into the water, "Aww fuck its
hot." I growled and sat down on the rock which was under the water and relaxed, letting my body get used to the hot water.
Then there was this splash and hot water flew up into my face, "Hey watch out." I said and saw Mia sitting in front of
me, "Hey, I'm nude here." I said.

"So am I, does it bother you." She chuckled and started to relax,

"No." I said and relaxed again, then I felt something touch my crotch. I opened my eyes and looked at Mia, who
was smiling. "You want something from me?" I said grinning evilly back at her.

"Maybe, I have never yiffed with a human." She chuckled,

"So you call yiff what we call sex." I said making her come in front of me, "I think you're a little too big
for me." I moaned when she rubbed my crotch.

"No problem." She said and started to shrink until she was the same size as me. Then she kissed me deeply, our
tongues wrestling and exploring each others mouths. I bent my hand down until it was caressing her slit getting
a moan from her.

"Oh Mia likes it." I chuckled and pressed one finger in making her moan again,

"Oh god you know how to use those fingers." She moaned and bucked against my fingers, then I put one more finger in
making her moan some more and climax, her juices mixing with the water. "Now don't tease me anymore." She panted and moved her
sex on top of my fully hard cock.

"You asked for it." I said and pushed my rod slowly in making her moan again and again when I started to hump
in her slowly then increasing my tempo, then she started to moan heavily and I felt the pressure building in my
crotch making me hump faster then she climaxed again with a roar tightening her cunt which made me cum in her and
roar along with her.

"Did you like it?" I asked when she collapsed next to me returning to her normal size,

"Yes, that was the best yiff I've had in my whole life." She purred and leaned her head against my chest,

"Thanks you were my first." I said, caressing her head making her purr even more,

"What you mean that I took you virginity." She said,

"Yep." I answered,

"Why have you saved it this far." She asked,

"I saved it for someone special." I said and stood up walking inside the small waterfall to wash my body of her

"So I am that special." She said and came to hug me from behind,

"Yes I you are feeling the same." I said turning around and kissing her,

"Aww that is sweet." She purred,

"So are you." I said and went back to put my clothes on but was stopped by her,

"No, let me." She said and my clothes started to glow and then she gave them to me, "Here I used a cleaning spell on
them." She chuckled,

"Thanks." I said after dressing and then walked with Mia to the living room where Earl was reading a book,

"Did my Little Mia get a good yiff." He laughed,

"Shut up." She growled and threw a pillow at his snout making him fall to the pillow pile and groan.

"Heh, he's just envious." I said,

"What." Earl said and threw a pillow at me but I caught it before it hit my head and threw it back at him,

"His reflexes are a little slow." Mia laughed when she was hit by a pillow which started the ultimate pillow fight
between the three of us. After a few minutes slashing and throwing we were exhausted and panting heavily.

"Dude, this is childish." I laughed while laying on the ground, from when I was hit by a pillow to my stomach and then
there was Mia laying on top of me and she started giggling like a little girl. She kissed me deeply exploring my mouth with her
long reptilian tongue,

"Stop it you two, this is turning me on." Earl said and I saw him trying to hide his erection with a pillow,
then Mia stand up and looked at me and then Earl.

"No, you're kidding." I said when I saw a small grin spread across her face,

"What." Earl looked at me then back at Mia,

"I want to see you guys yiff." she chuckled,

"What." Earl said,

"Do it or I will finger myself until I climax and you will have to watch while I do it." She said looking at me,

"Darn you girl I don't like to be teased." I said undressing and went over to Earl who was looking in my eyes,
then I rolled him over to see his now fully hard member, it was huge, about 10 inch long. Then I started to kiss his
chest going lower until I reached his cock and then took it in my mouth making him groan, then I give his member a
few licks before whispering for him to take me. Suddenly he shrank in size and I went on all fours, he started
to lick my prostate making fell something that I had never felt before.

"Please go easy, don't rip my ass apart." I said as he started to dip his tongue in my ass, "Aww fuck this is
like heaven." I thought and then he guided the tip of his member to my enterance,

"Here we go." He said and thrust it fully in, making me yip in surprise at the feeling of my ass being filled with
something warm, and then he started to thrust slowly, but what surprised me was that Mia came under me in her human
size and she put piles of pillows under her until my cock was in her.

Then I started to thrust into her while Earl thrust into me and when he pulled back I did it at same time, I felt like I
was in the heaven of all orgies when he was in me while I was in her, but this didn't last long when Earl roared and came
in my ass, then I came in Mia cause of the sudden feeling of warm liquid deep in my ass and when I squirted in her she
came hard making the whole lair filled with our roars and moans.

"That was fun." Earl said when he got out from my ass making a dull plop from it and then laying next to me on the

"Yeah, it was kind of different." I said and laid on the pillows, Mia next to me purring and resting her head on my
chest, then I saw that she was sleeping.

"Better start sleeping we have school tomorrow." I said, turning towards Mia and then kissing her snout falling
asleep next to her, our bodies curled up to each other.

"This could be fun, to live with Sam, I hope that this will never end." Earl thought and started to sleep.

Kommentoi   Perjantai 08. helmikuuta 2008 18:57

Sam´s Story Chapter 1 Part 1

This is my, story. Wich i have been working on last two years. There is about 12 chapters of it and they include action, humor, fantasy and k-18 yiff-material. If you dont like it dont read it, but please REVIEVE..

Sam's past. Chapter 1.

I was a short blonde haired, 18 years old boy called Sam Payne. I lived in a farm with my parents not far from the big city, I didn't have any sister or brothers. My life was like any other boy's life in that world, I had friends and a pet dog called Fang which was a year old lab and I had few hobbies. Playing with computer, fishing and hunting. I liked to be alone most of the time, but I didn't know why and it felt like there was nobody in this world who would be like me. But my life in this normal world ended one day.

It was nice Sunday morning when I woke early at 6 am, then dressed my clothes on, taking my 12 gauge shotgun and Fang with me. I walked to my usual hunting place which was a big rock near the ditch and started looking for something to shoot, birds mostly but rabbit would do the same, then I thought that this day would be like the others, hunting then playing with my computer or watching tv in my room, call my friends and talk about something to make time go away, but how wrong I was.

Then I saw this big bird flying in the sky and coming straight at me, "Finally something to shoot." I chuckled, but then I saw that this bird was becoming larger when it was coming at me and this wasn't any bird it was a "Fucking dragon, what the fuck they aren't suppose to be in existence." I said jumping in the dried ditch in front of me. I have read stories from dragons and furs from my fiend but I laughed at them and then saying that they didn't exist and you are nuts to read this kind of shit, but now I know how wrong I was about dragons.

I emptied my shotgun and then filled it with more effective shotgun shells, then I heard this huge thud next to me, obviously the dragon had landed. "Fuck I'm not going to be afraid of some stupid dragon." I thought and reloaded my shotgun making a dull click come from it.

"Come out human I know you are here, I'm not going to kill you." The dragon said in calm voice,

"Shit it knows that I am here, better face it or it might get angry." I thought and stood up from the ditch in font of the dragon, it was slightly taller than I was and I was a little over 6' 2" tall and it had light blue scales and standing on all fours. "So what dragon like you, want form dude like me." I asked trying to keep my voice calm and taking a good grip of my shotgun which was on my shoulder, ready to shoot if the dragon chances its mind.

"I want to know how you are able to see me." It asked in a male voice, obviously it is a male.

"I don't know tell me." I answered trying to keep my legs still, which wanted to run far away from the dragon.

"We are protected by a spell, which makes us invisible from human eyes." He answered,

"What you are telling me that I'm not human, are you?" I asked,

"I don't know, tell me." He said,

"I don't know, I have always lived with my parents so I don't remember anything that makes me not human." I said,

"Ok, but there is bad news for you." He said,

"What are you going to kill me now." I asked in angry tone because something that doesn't exist came to me telling me that I'm not human.

"No but if you don't come with me then I have to kill you." He said,

"Why can't I stay here, I'll promise that I won't tell anybody." I said,

"No, we can't take that kind of risk, if some body who has seen the real dragons tells it to somebody else he will be able to see us." He said,

"Fine I'll go with you." I said, "I was hoping for some kind of action in my life anyway." I thought.

"Climb on my back." He said kneeling on the ground, I tossed my shotgun in the ditch and climbed on his back. Then he chanted something making me glow white light for a few seconds and then he rose in the air. "What did you do to me." I asked when we were flying.

"I made the same spell to you which makes us invisible from human eyes." He said,

"No, why did you do that, I would like to watch peoples when they see me sitting on the air and flying." I laughed making him laugh too.

"You are a funny man, by the way my name is Earl." He said,

"And I am Sam, nice to meet you." I said. "So where are we going?" I asked,

"To the Dragon University." He answered,

"Why," I asked,

"I have to ask for help from the elders of the Dragon University because I don't know how do deal with things like this." He said,

"You mean that I can see through your spell." I asked,

"Yes, no human has ever seen through our spell." He answered,

"But what about those stories of dragons." I asked,

"There was a time when we lived in peace with humans, but they feared our magic skills so they tried to kill us, then we decided to make that invisible spell so that humans don't find us and even forget that we ever existed. Maybe some old writings have been found and they're how the stories about dragon were started, so humans haven't seen us in a few thousand years and you are the first who has seen a dragon." He said,

"What do you think happened so that I was able to see you." I asked,

"I don't know, maybe the spell is old and weakening." He answered.

"So thats why you have to ask for help from those old dudes." I said,

"Yes." He answered and we arrived at the big mountain, it's amazing how fast dragons can fly, with air plane the trip would have lasted ten hours or more, but when riding on the back of a dragon we were there in a few minutes. There was this big castle on top of the mountain, it was huge, bigger than every castle that I have seen in movies and there was lots of dragons flying in and out from the castle.

"Wow this is a big place." I said,

"Yes it is, we built it with magic." Earl answered and we landed in front of big gate. I jumped off his back, "Follow me." Earl said and went into the castle, me not far after him.

"So where are these guys that you are looking for?" I asked when we were walking in the hallway and every dragon which we passed looked at me like they have never seen a human before.

"Few floors up, but remember not to dude elders they probably don't like that they are called with that name." Earl said,

"Ok but what is that." I said stopping in front of door which was open and it was some kind of class about ten small dragon sitting around one old dragon which was holding black rose in his hand,

"That is our magic master Artemis, he is teaching young dragons how to use magic." He said continuing to walk forward but I stayed listening to what Artemis was saying,

"First you have to focus on the object, then focus on your magic and let it flow from your fingers to the target and the last thing is to remember to turn this black rose into flames." Artemis said to the little dragons around him, the young dragons started to laugh when the rose turned into flames, then into ice and then it turned into butterflies. "Ok who did it." Artemis asked and all dragons were pointing at the door where I was standing, when I saw Artemis looking at me, I smiled and ran after Earl.

"Ok that was weird." I said when I was walking next to Earl,

"What was weird?" He asked,

"Aww nothing." I answered,

"Now here is our training hall, where Zathras is teaching fighting skills to other dragons." Earl said pointing to the hall next to him where many dragon were fighting with swords, sticks and something what I didn't recognise. We were just going to leave when I heard somebody to shout "Watch out.", I turned a round and a strange reflex came from my hand and I grabbed a huge broad sword with my hands not far from hitting my face and ending my life in that place.

"Sorry about that." Said a young red dragon who came in front of me and took the sword with him and then went back to the training hall, I looked at Zathras and saw her looking at me, I smiled back to him and run after Earl who didn't even notice what was happening to me.

"Did you see that?" I asked,

"See what." He asked looking at me,

"Nothing." I answered and walked next to him.

"Ok here we are and remember not to dude anybody in here." Earl said opening the big door in front of him.

"Earl, nice to meet you, and who is this human with you." Said a white dragon who was standing in the middle of grey dragon which was Artemis and the other was a red dragon which was Zathras,

"This is Sam, I brought him here because he can see us through the magic." Earl said,

"Interesting, I see that the spell is working fine so the fault isn't there." Artemis said,

"And I think that he isn't human." Zathras said,

"Then can anybody tell me what the fuck I am, if I'm not human." I thought and watched the white dragon who was looking at me,

"That is a thing that you must find by yourself." The white dragon said,

"What, he can read mind, why didn't you warn me." I whispered at Earl,

"I forgot to mention it." He answered, "So what should we do with him Chris." Earl asked looking at the white dragon.

"I can teach him magic." Artemis said looking at the Chris,

"And I can teach him fighting skills." Zathras said looking at Chris,

"So it means that you can stay here with us." The white dragon said smiling,

"Ok, but where will I live while I am here?" I asked,

"Earl, if you don't mind." Chris said looking at Earl,

"Yes, he can live in my lair." Earl answered,

"So be it, but remember to be back here at tomorrow at 10 o'clock." Chris said looking at me,

"Yes, I will." I answered and followed Earl out from the room, when we were walking back to the castle gate there was this ringing noise in the hall and my pocket started to vibrate, then I took my mobile phone and answered it.

"Hey dude where are you, I tried to contact you many times but you didn't answer." Said a male voice on my phone,

"Sorry Mark, I've been busy, I have to go now I'll call you later bye." I said shutting my phone and putting it back in my pocket,

"What was that thing." Earl asked looking at me,

"Oh its a mobile phone, which we humans use when we have to talk with a friend or somebody who isn't around." I answered,
"That's amazing what else it can do?" Earl asked,

"I can take pictures with it." I said,

"Amazing, but you have to show me that later now we have to go to my lair." He said and I climbed on his back,

"So what do you have planned to do tonight?" I asked trying to keep my mind clear and to from asking any stupid questions.

"Nothing special just reading some books." he answered, just as we arrived at his lair.

"Wow, you have spent some time on your lair decoration." I said in amusement when we arrived inside his living room, there was big pile of pillows and a few huge book shelfs filled with different books.

"This is nothing compared to my bedroom and bathroom." Earl said smiling and walked deeper into the lair, then we arrived at his bathroom. There was this huge hot spring and a small waterfall which brought the water to the hot spring, "I use that waterfall to shower." He said and continued walking to his bed room.

"Wow, this is better than my room." I said when I saw his bedroom full of pillows and different kinds of personal stuff on the walls.

"Ok you can sleep over there." Earl said throwing some pillows in the other corner of his bedroom, "Now I will take a bath, make yourself at home." He said walking back to the bathroom. I took of my coat leaving only my black tank which has this cool text on the back side of it saying "Bite Me". And then I went back to the living room, walking in front of the book shelves taking a random book from it.

Then I sat on the pillow pile and started to read the book. It was in a strange language that I didn't understand, "Fuck how you are suppose to read this". I said hoping that it would be written in English, then the text chanced into our language in front of my eyes. "Magic." I chuckled and started to read. Then Earl walked into the room sitting next to me,

"What are you reading, oh that is my family magic book." He said looking at book which I was holding,

"Why didn't these words chance like the others." I said pointing word which were written in our alphabets but didn't look like any of words what I know.

"Just say it and it will work." He said,

"Herotic Calamus Tibur ur pheless." I said, then there was this "Puff." Sound and there was this mirror in front of me. I was surprised and looked at Earl who was as surprised as I was.

"I didn't know that you can do magic." He said when I rose up and put the book back in the book shelf,

"Better not read it until I learn more about this magic." I said and looked back at Earl which was looking at the mirror then saying something to make it disappear.

"Can you do any other cool magic tricks." I asked,

"Yes, a few." He said saying something weird and there was ten small fire balls flying in the air then they came around me and started spinning. "Nice eh." He chuckled, then happened something what he didn't expect to happen. All fire balls suddenly hit me at same time making my tank top burn into ashes,

"Fuck that was my best tank." I said when I opened my eyes,

"Did I do that." He said pointing at my back,

"Oh you mean that huge dragon tattoo on my back, no." I said,

"But where did you get it, its cool." He said touching my back with his finger and looking at it closely,

"I was drunk and lost a bet with my pall so he decided to make tattoo to my back." I answered and watched as Earl jumped to his pillow pile.

"You humans are weird people did you know that." He said laughing throwing pillows at me, which hit my face made me grin evilly.

"How old are you." I asked taking the same pillow and throwing it back straight at his muzzle making him groan when it hit.

"587 years." He answered,

"And still acting like a child." I answered,

"We dragons live for 4000 years and I am at the same age as you are in your age." He said,

"Oh I see." I said yawning little, "I'll have to take a little nap, because I woke up early in the morning." I said laying on the pillows.

"Ok sleep now but I'll have to go see my friend so before I leave I'll show you something." He said and looked at me, "Doross ur Ticiluss." He said. Suddenly I felt like something was tickling me every where making me laugh like crazy for a few seconds then laying on the pillows and looking angrily at Earl,

"I will get you for this." I said and tried to sleep, hearing Earl laughing and walking out from the cave.

1 kommentti   Perjantai 08. helmikuuta 2008 10:17