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  Bongauksia 8 kpl

Oon Alina hesast ja oon tääl vaa tekemäs uusii tuttavuuksii :)

No, harrastan tanssii ja täl hetkel opiskelen..

En aio kertoo mitää koulu juttuja tähä, koska en haluu stalkkereita yms. haha..

Oon temperamenttinen ja sosiaalinen ihminen, enkä tykkää siitä ku mulle valehdellaan päin naamaa.

Yleensä itekki sanon suoraan jos on jotain sanottavaa..

Tärkeintä mulle on se, että ihmiset on rehellisiä!

Tulkaa jutskailee! Tykkään tutustuu uusiin ihmisiin, ihan oikeesti!

Lisätkää kamuks jos tuntuu siltä, no worries hyväksyn kyl ;)


~ <3 ~

The worst thing to do
is lie to everyone, especially yourself
don't be someone you're not
say you have what you haven't got
it leads to something bad
a life that is nothing but sad
then you'll have certain thoughts
forgetting all of the good you have fore sought
look within yourself for a way out
never once doubt
that the last solution is a knife
it wont relieve any pain in your life
with each stroke of that blade
more problems is all that you've made
with every healing cut
you'll feel as if it just isn't enough
and the permanent scars
will make you feel like loneliness isn't far
so this i say to you
this isn't something that i would request to do
be your own person and don't change
it may just be your list of friends that you need to rear
rangenever purposely put yourself in danger
ignore the personal opinions of strangers
make sure that you're living a happy life
no teen should live in a world of familiar pain and strife
~ <3 ~



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