

Mieti sitä.
24.09.1995 (29v)
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Uusin blogi:


Muita kuvia

Käyttäjiä jotka voisivat kiinnostaa sinua


Shut your fucking face, uncle fucka.
You're a cock-sucking, ass-licking uncle fucka.
You're an uncle fucka, yes it's true.
NOBODY fucks uncles quite like you.
Shut your fucking face, uncle fucka.
You're the one who fucked your uncle, uncle fucka.
You don't eat or sleep or mow the lawn, just fuck your uncle all day long!
- Random Farts -
Uncle fucka.Uncle fucka. Uncle fucka. Uncle fucka.
Shut your fucking face, uncle fucker. (Uncle fucker.)
You're a boner-biting bastard uncle fucker.
You're an uncle fucka, I must say.
Well, you fucked your uncle yesterday! Ahahaha.
Uncle fucker, that's U-N-C-L-E fuck you!
Uncle fucker ... ah ha ha Suck my balls!

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